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Trees Overrides to Non Fade
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Trees Overrides to Non Fade
Upright Cherry
Something I have been putting off is now finally done. These 11 trees are all OVERRIDES, they will replace the one ones in your game with the ones shown here. I have made them all non fade so they won't disappear when you get close but will vanish if you go through them.
The bark has been replaced with a darker more realistic version.
The small Upright Cherry has had the romantic buff removed and the blossom replaced.
The huge Weeping Willow and the Weeping Cherry have had the leaves and Blossom replaced.
All the trees can now sit in both fountain and pool water without cheats.
The Dry Pine and the Mighty Hawthorn are from the Outdoor Retreat packs so you will need that for the trees to show. The Dogwood is from Dogs & Cats so that pack is needed for the tree to show in your game.
The large willow and cherry have been posted on Sims 4 Studio and are the same files but the other trees have all been updated to sit in water and had the bark replaced, the Upright Cherry has a had a complete makeover as such.
I find it easier to work with these trees and thought they may come in handy for you too.
If you have any trees you want changed to non fade or want to sit in water let me know, I should be able to fix them for you.
List of trees; Dogwood, Dry Pine, Elm, Hawthorn (small), Maple, Mesquite, Mighty Hawthorn, Oak, Upright Cherry, Weeping Cherry, Weeping Willow.
Last edited by Freeasabird on Fri Mar 02, 2018 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Freeasabird- Resident Artist
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